Saturday 30 April 2011

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Technological Aspects of the Production

When producing my magazine, I used a variety of different technologies. When constructing the first draft of my article, I used Adobe In-design which is desktop publishing software used to organize layouts.

To manipulate my images, such as removing a background using a clipping path and feathering an image I used Paintshop Pro.

Also, I did a lot of research on the internet to acquire an understanding of the conventions of music magazines.

I used a camera to capture my images, and I had to think about composition, setting and angle of the image. The setting in particular was important, as although I removed the background from the majority of my images, it was important to have a blank setting to make the process easier. For the images I didn’t remove the background I had to reflect the artist’s identity, as well as pleasing the aesthetics.

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