Saturday 30 April 2011

5. How did you attract/address your audience?

Attracting The Audience
The way in which a magazine speaks to the reader is essential when appealing to an audience. When choosing my featured band I considered the like-ability of the band. I chose to have both males and females in my band because it appeals to both genders. I chose to present the band as a “welsh rock band from a small town in south wales” which makes them much more appealing to the audience as it is very rare for a band to make it big if they are from a small town or village.

The layout is key when attracting an audience as it provides an important role of attracting and addressing the target audience. By creating a non-cluttered layout I can attract the reader to my magazine easily. Without clutter it makes the reader able to read it easier. The placing of the title of the magazine ‘Overdrive’ is put in the conventional place in the top left corner because we read from left to right so it is the first thing someone would read.

When addressing the audience the language used needs to reflect on the targeted audience. Making the reader feel involved is important. At the end of my article, it says, “And who can blame them?” This is a rhetorical question that gets the reader to think about it themselves. Advertisement is also important. On the front cover it says “Free CD inside” which sways the reader into buying the magazine as it offers the reader more than just a magazine.

Magazines create a bond of trust with its reader. As my front cover says “inside their most successful year” it creates the idea that the magazine has formed a close relationship with the band as ‘Overdrive’ have gone inside ‘Heads & Tails' year. Therefore the content can be trusted and the audience would begin to trust further content within the publication.

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