Monday 29 November 2010

Reader Profile

General Information

Male: 65%
Female: 35%

Average Age: 20

Still Studying: 68%

Active music purchasers, like to download and also buy the CD.
Rather buy CD's than download.

67 CD Albums bought a year
44 CD Singles bought a year

When buying music locally 92% of readers buy from major music chain HMV.

Online Retailers

47% - Amazon
29% - iTunes
20% -
4% - Other Retailers

97% of readers own iPods
99% of readers own CD Player

97% of readers say music is a big part of their life.

Gigs and Events

91% of readers say they go to gigs regularly
On average 1-2 times a month

When buying magazines readers prefer to buy weekly magazines as it keeps them up to date for all the latest news and music.


  1. Change of Deadline for Year 12 Students

    The deadline for the front cover of the music magazine will now be Wednesday 5th January 2011.

    This is due to the fact that the school was closed on Friday 17th December 2010 because of the snow.

    Make sure that your draft of the front music magazine cover is on your blog by the 5th January 2011.

    You also need to be analysing examples of music magazine articles over the christmas holidays. Post some examples on your blog.

    Have a Merry Christmas!

  2. Alright, thanks sir..
    merry christmas :D
