Wednesday 24 November 2010

Questionaire Results

The most popular Masthead for my magazine was 'Overdrive!' which I think is a good title because it links with loud rock music because it is a effect on a guitar amplifier.

The slogans 'The Louder The Better' and 'Let There Be Rock' both had the same amount of votes. I have decided to use 'The Louder The Better' because it links to the masthead 'Overdrive!' as the effet overdrive on an amp makes it louder.

The main image that had the most votes was either 'Rock Band (live)' or 'Rock Band'. I have chosen to go with 'Male From Band (Live)' because I was given suggestions of guitarests on the cover so I have chosen to use a image with a male singing on stage also playing guitar. I have chosen the live option because it will link with the main story that will be about a band finshing their live tour.

The stories that had the most votes were:
  • New Band Album
  • Live Review
  • Free Posters
  • Band Secrets
I have chosen to use all those stories because it covers all stories that other rock magazines cover such as 'Kerrang!'

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