Monday 29 November 2010

Reader Profile

General Information

Male: 65%
Female: 35%

Average Age: 20

Still Studying: 68%

Active music purchasers, like to download and also buy the CD.
Rather buy CD's than download.

67 CD Albums bought a year
44 CD Singles bought a year

When buying music locally 92% of readers buy from major music chain HMV.

Online Retailers

47% - Amazon
29% - iTunes
20% -
4% - Other Retailers

97% of readers own iPods
99% of readers own CD Player

97% of readers say music is a big part of their life.

Gigs and Events

91% of readers say they go to gigs regularly
On average 1-2 times a month

When buying magazines readers prefer to buy weekly magazines as it keeps them up to date for all the latest news and music.

Mission Statement

Dilley's new project Overdrive! is a new rock magazine with a twist. Mainly music featured but other genre related topics.

Overdrive! is aimed towards a wide age group ranging from 15 - 30. Overdrive!'s readers are both male and female, and music is their life.

Overdrive! features everything in the music world such as, Band News, Interviews, New Album Releases & Reviews, Live Reviews, Tour Info, and free Posters & Stickers.

Overdrive! will try to keep their readers feel close to their favourite bands and make sure music is always in their life.

Music Fan Profile


Age: 15 - 30

What Do They Wear?

These rockers wear simple clothing like a T-shirt and jeans. Band name on the front of the T with tour dates on the back to show they are rockers, and scruffy trainers with unknown labels. As long as the music is loud these guys don't care! Simple is best.

What Do They Listen To?

These guys and girls will listen to anything from Old School AC/DC to New School Green Day. A huge variation of rock like indie rock such as Paramore & Biffy Clyro to alternative rock bands such as Lostprophets & 30 Seconds To Mars. These guys can even go to Heavy Metal bands such as Slipknot & Bullet For My Valentine. And on a low occasion they look to Fantasy Metal band Dragonforce for a boost of energy!

What Else Do They Do?

When these rockers aren't rocking they are out with their mates. Not on a street corner making trouble but chilling and occasionally doing something stupid. These guys and girls know how to have fun but know when it gets out of control!

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Questionaire Results

The most popular Masthead for my magazine was 'Overdrive!' which I think is a good title because it links with loud rock music because it is a effect on a guitar amplifier.

The slogans 'The Louder The Better' and 'Let There Be Rock' both had the same amount of votes. I have decided to use 'The Louder The Better' because it links to the masthead 'Overdrive!' as the effet overdrive on an amp makes it louder.

The main image that had the most votes was either 'Rock Band (live)' or 'Rock Band'. I have chosen to go with 'Male From Band (Live)' because I was given suggestions of guitarests on the cover so I have chosen to use a image with a male singing on stage also playing guitar. I have chosen the live option because it will link with the main story that will be about a band finshing their live tour.

The stories that had the most votes were:
  • New Band Album
  • Live Review
  • Free Posters
  • Band Secrets
I have chosen to use all those stories because it covers all stories that other rock magazines cover such as 'Kerrang!'

Tuesday 16 November 2010


1. What year group are you in?

Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Year 12
Other (please state)

2. What gender are you?


3. Which masthead do you prefer for a rock magazine?

Level 10
Rock Loud
Other (Please State)

4. Which slogan do you prefer?

Rock Loud
The Louder The Better
Let There Be Rock
Born To Rock
Other (please state)

5. What attracts you to a magazine?

6. What would you like to see on a rock magazine?

7. What would you want the main image to feature?

Rock Band (Live)
Rock Band
Male From Band (Live)
Male From Band
Female From Band (Live)
Female From Band
Other (please state)

8. What colour scheme would go with a rock magazine?

Other (Please State)

9. Which would you prefer?

A weekly magazine
A monthly magazine

10. What stories should be covered on the front cover?

Live Review
Free Posters
New Band Album
Band Secrets
Backstage Info
Other (please state)

Monday 8 November 2010

Evaluation Of Front Cover

I think the masthead for my magazine is a appropriate name for King Henry because KHSM is abbreviation of King Henry School Magazine which is exactly what it is. The colour scheme of the masthead is also appropriate because yellow and blue are the school colours. The masthead is a sufficient size as it stands out and is the first thing you see when you look at the cover.

The main image is a appropriate size as it fills the front cover. I think the main image doesn't show the story very clearly but does show three students smiling which shows they're happy, but it doesn't suggest anything about a German exchange. I think the subsidiary images are a appropriate size as they are easy to see and you can see what the pictures are. I think the position of the two subsidiary images are in an appropriate position on the cover. I think one of the subsidiary images shows the story that its representing but one does not.

All three sell lines give a clear indication of the content of the magazine, and the language of the sell lines are very informative. No literary devices have been used. The spelling and punctuation is all accurate except for the second sell line where 'trip' has been spelt wrong as it is spelt 'trp'. Three different fonts have been used and the size of the writing shows it very clearly. The colour of the sell lines are the same as the masthead except the outline is black instead of blue.

I think the layout of the front page is very clear and organised. The front cover is very appealing to the reader because the masthead and colour stand out. I think the design of the page is recognisable as a front cover of a school magazine because it has students on the front cover and has sell lines suggesting its for a school magazine.

I think three aspects of the front page I think are successful are :-

  • The main image, how the main story moves down with the image.
  • The masthead, how it stands out from the black background.
  • The subsidiary image, how it is slanted at the top of the page.
I think three aspects of the front page I would improve are :-

  • The main image, it had to be covered at the top because it didn't look good.
  • The subsidiary image, it comes of the front cover.
  • The spelling mistake on the sell line 'School Trip Info Inside'.